
Stress and PTSD management books, courses and blog

Month: January 2020

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion – The emotion that we feel in response to the suffering of others – Wikipedia Empathy – The capacity to recognise emotions that are being experienced by another sentient being – Wikipedia As a child I was brought up to be compassionate. To love my neighbour, to turn the other cheek, to be an […]

Your Ego

One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star. G. K. Chesterton What is your ego? Have you ever observed the moment in time when your ego triggers? Are you by any chance insecure or threatened in some what when your ego triggers…? From this we can […]

Cause and Effect

“Injustice in the end produces independence” Voltaire Cause and effect is the very mechanism of life and progress! Are Things Working Out? Take a few moments to observe your life right now. What problems are you facing, and what successes? Are things working out as planned? What surprises are you experiencing? If you can, write […]

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