Stress Management Book Review
Stress Management Book Review
Stress Less and Thrive!
“Stress Less and Thrive “ is one of the most interesting, detailed and practical stress management books available today.
Stress and Survival
People often ask; What is Stress?
The easy answer is that stress is a point in time when your perceived resources are under threat by the perceived demands of your environment!
Imagine for a moment that you come face to face with a tiger!
What do you do?
Probably one of the four F’s with the “OH F…….!” being the fifth!
Freeze, faint, fight, flight. (yes, most people forget the first two initial and vital responses, freeze and faint)
Primitive Stress
As a human being your primary purpose is to survive. Your sympathetic nervous system will make fundamental changes in your body to ensure this survival.
The physical effects of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system is stress.
High blood pressure caused by elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol leading to interrupted sleep, digestion and excretion, anger, fear, frustration, emotional swings.
Sound familiar?
Modern Stress
To repeat that – interrupted sleep, digestion and excretion, anger, fear, frustration, emotional swings…
Sound familiar?

This is what it feels like to survive in the world today, and if you are reading this, you can congratulate yourself on a survival job well done!
We may not be dodging tigers, but the modern world keeps us in heightened awareness experiencing constant low level stress.
Self Understanding, Strategy, Awareness
The book first builds understanding, then presents various immediate and long term coping strategies and techniques including how to cultivate personal awareness, relaxation and breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation.
You Deserve Lasting Change
If you are serious about lasting stress management and are serious about making long lasting positive changes in your life, then this easy to read and understand stress management book, “Stress Less and Thrive” is the stress management book for you!
Stress Management Journey
“Stress Less and Thrive” is written by Craig Cox Ph.D. and is based on his stress management coaching seminars that he has been conducting since 2010. The material is compiled form over 30 years of study and practical experience.
Written in an easy to read and understand style, you can easily adventure your way though the emotional aspects of your mind, understanding memory accumulation and how that automatically triggers a stress survival response.
Further explore how to manage this automatic stress trigger and then take the plunge into Post Traumatic Stress management. (PTSD part of the book is available separately too!)
Focused PTSD Excerpt
For a focused Post Traumatic Stress Disorder book, please go to the PTSD book review page.